Monday, April 6, 2009

Shane Hoffman: 8th Feature School Board Magic

Journalistic review

Obama tells Turkey: US Not at War With Islam

When I first saw the link to this article I gasped at an immediate "uh oh" moment. The Bush Administration had spent nearly 7 years since 9/11 fighting what they called "a war on radical Islam." The war is still being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Naturally, Foxnews was all over Obama for his remark:

Yet, the typically more liberal MSNBC downplayed the comment.

Foxnews announced the incident was "alarming" however MSNBC highlighted the postive aspect of it. The Turkey Parliament did after all, give President Obama a standing ovation after the comment.

No matter which news station is more right on the issue, only time will tell if President Obama says the same thing to the American people. If you tell Europe that the war is not being waged against Islam but you say the exact opposite to the American people, something is wrong.

When I was set out to cover the Columbia Election coverage I figured I would sit in on a candidate who had much knowledge and experience in dealing with the media. However, when I arrived at the Heidelburg Restaurant my assumption was quickly proven false.

Now, don't get me wrong. Dan Holt was very gentleman like and at times even went out of his way to take time in answering my questions. But, there are just some things you don't offer the media. Like...alcohol for example. Water is fine and maybe even occasionally a soda if they offer it to you, but alcohol on the job not only reflects poorly on your reputation but also the station you're working for. I appreciated Holt's hospitality but I had to decline.

Overall though, it was a great experience and as I said before, Holt was nothing but cooperative and kind throughout the evening. Hopefully I'll get another opportunity to cover his campaign in future elections.

Holt Finishes Third in Election

Dan Holt greeted about forty friends and family last night at the Heidelberg Restaurant in Columbia.

By 8:30, 51 year-old Holt was in 4th place with 75% of the precincts yet to be reported.

As Holt continued to monitor the results, his wife Lisa admitted the end of the campaign had snuck up on her.

“People were asking me yesterday if I was nervous and I hadn’t even really thought about it. And finally today it kinda hit me. It’s like woah, today’s the day that they’re actually voting and we are going to know about it by the time we go to bed tonight.”

By 9:30, the crowd had dwindled to 16 people. Holt watched as the final precincts announced his third place finish.

Although he was disappointed, Holt said Columbia elected two great school board members who will better serve the community.

“Solid people, they really are. We’ll be satisfied with the job that they will do.”

Holt said he learned plenty from the campaign and plans on running again in the future.

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