Friday, April 24, 2009

Shane Hoffman-Feature Downgraded to Wrap :-(

Journalistic Reflection

Susan Boyle went from a unknown unemployed woman of 47 to an overnight singing sensation on Britians Got Talent. Now, naturally this was a story news media outlets all over the world could get excited about. No later than a few hours after she had sung her youtube video hit a million views and news networks were scrambling to get the inside story on this woman.

Over the past week there has been many stories about Boyle's background and recent success. However, I recently came across a story on msnbc that seemed to hit at why so many people are worried about this every day woman changing into just another celebrity:

Sure, she looks "better" with her new "mini-makeover" but what does "better" actually mean? Authenticity is lost when you artificially enhance your body to meet societies needs and not your own. This point was proven effectively in the article and I was happy to read for once that news media reported a makeover as something to be concerned about instead of a reason to throw a corporate party.

ABC Labs Experience

Sometimes to put it bluntly, people who give directions suck at it. That's what happened when I recently volunteered to visit a lab building that Gov. Nixon was holding a press conference at. I went to the wrong location and actually missed the entire conference. When I got there it seemed at first as if I had missed the story, but I didn't give up and decided to interview the CEO of the company as well as other corporate officials. After collecting a few sound bites my fellow coworker and friend Carolina decided to try and get us a tour of the lab. It worked.

In the end, we had more than enough for a story. We could have walked out the door after we found out we had missed the governor, but staying proved to us what our teacher Greeley Kyle does his best to hammer home: There are ALWAYS new angles you can apply to a story. In fact, it may have actually been better that me missed the governor after all.

Gov. Nixon Announces New Internship Plan

Earlier today at ABC Labs in Columbia, Gov. Jay Nixon announced plans for the Next-Generation Jobs Team.

The program will match around 3,000 Missourians between the ages of 16 and 24 with summer internships and work experiences.

Byron Hill, ABC Laboratories President and CEO, says he hopes the program will encourage more young people to pursue a career in math and science.

“If we can encourage the young person to go into that discipline and then come out 6, 8 years down the road as a full fledged scientist and come to work here for us, Hill said. “It would be a plus situation for us.”

Nixon says the program will mostly be funded by an estimated $25 million in stimulus money.

Program officials plan on starting the interview process in the next couple of weeks and hope to being hiring by the end of May.

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